Pedoman APBD 2014

Sebagai acuan penyusunan APBD tahun 2014, Kemendagri senantiasa mengeluarkan pedoman penyusunan APBD setiap tahun. Untuk tahun 2014 pedoman ini tertuang dalam Permendagri No. 27 tahun 2013 tentang Pedoman Penyusunan APBD tahun 2014. Di dalam lampiran APBD ini juga sudah menyebutkanagar pemerintah daerah juga mempedomani surat edaran empat menteri tentang percepatan pengarusutamaan gender melalui perencanaan dan penganggaran yang responsif gender (lampiran halaman 33). Secara lengkap permendagri terlampir di link berikut ini:

Permendagri No. 27 Tahun 2013

Lampiran Permendagri No. 27 Tahun 2013_230_2

Gender Equality and Development


The 2012 World Development Report: Gender Equality and Development by the World Bank argues that gender equality is a core development objective in its own right. It is also smart economics. Greater gender equality can enhance productivity, improve development outcomes for the next generation, and make institutions more representative.

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Monitoring, Evaluation and the Gender Question


Monitoring, Evaluation and the Gender Question was published in the Daily Graphic, a Ghanaian newspaper. The article discusses the role monitoring and evaluation play in gender equality and social inclusion.

On the goal of achieving gender equality, author Adele Gatley writes:

All stakeholders have a role to play in this – Government, development partners, civil society, academia, research institutions, the media, political parties and the ordinary Ghanaian. Given the fact that the challenges are multifaceted, gender equality will only be achieved if there are concerted, consistent and sustainable efforts by all.

The article explains current efforts towards gender equality, the challenges faced, and M&E-related solutions.

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Guide on Gender and Health Data and Statistics Published Jointly with WHO


WHO and MEASURE Evaluation have jointly published Gender and Health Data and Statistics: An Annotated Resource Guide.

Excerpt from the abstract:

Gender-responsive health data are critical for generating evidence on best practices and for advancing and informing health policies, which will improve the health of women and families. Global donors and bilateral agencies have recently expressed an urgent need for interventions, programs, and policies to address gender equality and other structural factors that influence health outcomes, particularly with the aim of improving women’s health. The demand for gender-related information in monitoring and evaluation of health programs and policies has been clearly articulated, yet several challenges related to the collection, analysis and utilization of such data persist.

The guide is an annotated compilation of gender-related health data and statistics resources, developed by MEASURE Evaluation at the request of USAID’s IGWG and the Department of Gender, Women and Health of the…

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Regional Forum on the Use of Gender Data in Subnational Decision Making


MEASURE Evaluation recently hosted a ‘Regional Forum on the Use of Gender Data in Subnational Decision Making’ with participants from Rwanda, Botswana, and Zambia.

Futures Group organized and managed the forum. An excerpt from the report on the event describes the primary focus of the forum:

This Regional Forum demonstrates gender analysis and the use of gender-sensitive indicators to measure change to health programs can and should be done by everyone working within the health sector. By involving both the decision makers and data producers in the interpretation of their own data, there is a greater likelihood that changes to health services will be effectively implemented.

Do you have a questions about gender monitoring and evaluation? Use the “Ask the Gender M&E Expert” tool to find answers.

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Gender Differences in ITN Use in Nigeria


Gender Differences in the Use of Insecticide-Treated Nets After a Universal Free Distribution Campaign in Kano State, Nigeria: Post-Campaign Survey Results

Recent expansion in insecticide-treated net (ITN) distribution strategies range from targeting pregnant women and children under five and distributing ITN at antenatal care and immunization programmes, to providing free distribution campaigns to cover an entire population. These changes in strategy raise issues of disparities, such as equity of access and equality in ITN use among different groups, including females and males. Analysis is needed to assess the effects of gender on uptake of key malaria control interventions. A recent post-universal free ITN distribution campaign survey in Kano State, Nigeria offered an opportunity to look at gender effects on ITN use.

A post-campaign survey was conducted three to five months after the campaign in Kano State, Nigeria from 19 October to 4 November, 2009, on a random sample…

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Gender dan HIV

Isu Gender dan HIV sangat erat bersinggungan, namun sering kali hal ini tidak banyak dikenali oleh para pemangku kepentingan pembangunan. Oleh karena itu salah satu inisiatif untuk memasukkan isu gender dan HIV/AIDS dalam proses perencanaan daerah, Badan PP dan PA propinsi Jawa Tengah bersama-sama dengan jaringan dan LSM peduli HIV/AIDS telah melakukan lokakarya untuk memasukkan isu-isu gender dan HIV/AIDS sekaligus sebagai bahan masukan dalam RPJMD Jawa Tengah tahun 2013-2018. Selengkapnya  laporan tersebut bisa dibaca di link berikut ini:


Gender Audit

Untuk melihat sejauh mana pelaksanaan PUG di Kementerian Sosial dengan dukungan dan kerjasama antara Kemensos, UNFPA dan Kementerian PP dan PA telah dilakukan Gender Audit di Kementerian Sosial. Hasil lengkap Gender Audit tersebut dapat dilihat dan dibaca di link berikut ini:

Katapengantar Draf Final Laporan Audit Gender__ Kemsos 11 Des

Draf Final Laporan Audit Gender__ Kemsos 09 Des 2012

Net-Map training, 16th-17th August, Washington DC

Net-Map Toolbox

You want to understand the politics of a reform, manage the people side of your business, evaluate complex projects or do engaging qualitative, quantitative and visual network research?
The most engaging part of a Net-Map training that is open to everyone is the diversity of participants. And because we will work with your own case studies, we all learn from each other AND everyone can focus on your core interest. It helps that we are planning to teach a small group (up to 12 participants) with two trainers.
Look here for more info and sign up soon, as this is filling up already.

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Kajian Perbaikan Program Layanan PMTCT

Isu gender dalam kesehatan bisa dilihat dari 3 aspek seperti: gabaimana manifestasi penyakit terhadap perempuan dan laki-laki, bagaina respond baik-laki-laki dan perempuan dalam mencari pengobatan serta respond lingkungan terhadap penyakit tersebut. HIV/AIDS, Pencegahan dan penanggulangan HIV/AIDS tidak dapat didekati hanya dengan perndekatan penyakit saja namun di belakangnya juga banyak masalah sosil, budaya dan ekonomi yang melatarbelakanginya. Beberapa isu gender terkait program layanan Pencegahan Penularan Ibu dan Anak   dapat ditemui dalam kajian yang dilakukan oleh Ikatan Perempuan Positif Indonesia. Kajian ini dilakukan IPPI atas dukungan dari KPAN dan HCPI. Salah satu temuan adalah rekomendasi agar nama program perlu ada perubahan hal ini agar  program tidak berkesan ditujukan hanya pada perempuan saja akan tetapi perlu pula melibatkan peran laki-laki. Secara lengkap hasil kajian bisa di buka di link berikut ini:  Studi Kualitas dan Rekomendasi Perbaikan Program Layanan PMTCT IPPI.